Monday 26 July 2010

Beautiful Death

I decided that my first item to share on here would be one of my personal favorites; the Beautiful Death Gown.

Some years back when I first started building in SL (before I had ever learned about clothing) a very dear friend of mine was bemoaning the lack of quality goods for the Vampire and Gothic crowds. I was inspired to create my Eternity Casket line (living room and bedroom furniture all crafted to look like they were made from caskets) as a result.

Now that my product line has expanded to include clothing, it only seemed fitting to take my interest in providing quality items of this nature into the attire realm, too.

Beautiful Death is based on the Majesty line of dresses (also available at Reality Designs and Reality Couture). The skirts have ultra-smooth flexi. I normally can't stand the way full size prim skirts move but these are just so smooth they act like actual fabric. In addition to the flexi attributes, these skirts also use alpha and transparency but have almost imperceptible alpha glitch issues (excluding collisions with non-worn alpha/transparency objects).

The fabric on this outfit was done using multiple layers and some custom tools and methodology to create the gradual flow from blood red to black-red on the skirt.

To show my appreciation to the blog followers, for the next week (7-25-10 thru 8-02-10) anyone who is following this blog and purchases this dress can receive a 100L$ rebate by dropping me a notecard in-world (after purchase) with the purchase details and the name/email addy you use to follow this blog. Please name the notecard RD Rebate - Beautiful Death

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